In business and in life there is always an upside…finding it is often the challenge. Having a mindset that looks for it and embraces problems as opportunities is the key to thriving. Successful business owners LOVE disruption. But the MOST successful look for it. It's what keeps their business on the cutting edge and able to adapt to any circumstance. Finding the Upside is a captivating TV series that explores the transformative power of optimism. Each episode features interviews with visionary business owners, influential leaders, and inspiring everyday people that share how they have grown their companies and changed their lives by approaching changing conditions with optimism, opportunity and innovation. Don't miss the special series 'ONE TOUGH CHICK,' highlighting women who share their powerful journeys through the worlds of business and life.

Understanding The Impact of Navigating Multiple Cultures

with Mizuho Kanazawa

Episode 5

In a world rapidly becoming a mosaic of diverse cultures, "Finding the Upside" embarks on a journey into the heart of cultural fusion and identity in the United States. This episode features an illuminating conversation with Mizuho Kanazawa (Miho), a therapist who is dedicated to nurturing individuals who navigate the complexities of belonging to multiple cultures.In this thought-provoking exploration of identity and belonging we uncover the realities in navigating the complexities of multiple cultures to carving out space in corporate settings. Watch this episode and hear this captivating conversation on creating inclusive spaces where everyone's story matters.

Getting Out of Your Own Way

with Mandy Keene

Episode 4

Why is it that we often struggle to attain what we desire? Many times, the answer lies within ourselves - things we believe, stories we have adopted. And unlocking that is the secret to harnessing our own personal growth. In this episode, Maria dives into the key to unlocking personal growth with special guest Mandy Keene, a seasoned personal empowerment coach. With over 23 years of experience, Mandy reveals how she assists entrepreneurs, athletes, and innovators in overcoming internal barriers by leveraging personality assessments. Discover the strategies and methods she uses with so many of her high-profile clients to break free from self-imposed limitations and propel themselves forward.


How Executive Function Challenges Impact Adults with Annika Ahlstrom

Episode 3

It seems that more and more we are hearing about ADHD in Adults and how much it impacts an individual's life. In this episode, host Maria and special guest Annika Ahlstrom, an Executive Function Coach, dive into the growing recognition of ADHD in adults and its impact on everyday life. Exploring how the pandemic unveiled struggles previously unnoticed, and the importance of understanding and strategies for managing ADHD and Executive Functioning challenges. Revealing that advocating for compassion and education across all aspects of life, including school and the workplace is an essential need and how to achieve it are all in this episode.

Finding Connection in a World that Feels Disconnected:

The Importance of Friendships

Episode 2

In our society, where women often face unique challenges, such as balancing career aspirations, family responsibilities, and personal growth, friendship is an invaluable source of support, inspiration, and empowerment. Join host, Maria, along with her lifelong friends, Marijeanne Carino, Julie Koop, and Lisa Buschmann to uncover the profound significance of friendship for women in navigating the complexities of career, family, and personal growth. These women share how this enduring bond has provided invaluable support and empowerment throughout various stages of life, shedding light on the enduring importance of meaningful connections in today's disconnected world.

Rebel Leaders:

Why Being Non-Traditional Works Best

Episode 1

Get ready to witness how challenging convention and redefine leadership norms can transform business. We dive into the heart of unconventional leadership with host and rebel leader, Maria DeLorenzis Reyes alongside Sam Manon. This groundbreaking discussion about the power of Rebel Leadership reveals how they went about breaking barriers and challenging the status quo within the rigid confines of corporate landscapes. With over three decades of friendship and corporate leadership experience between them, they'll unveil the secrets behind their unconventional approach, proving that breaking away from the status quo isn't just effective—it's essential. Tune in now and discover why being a Rebel Leader is the future of success in today's ever-evolving business landscape.

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